Monday, July 24, 2006

Vacations Week

I am now staring back to what my vacation week was, and delightfully enjoying a few facts that endure me.

I took one week off from my overly senile, ever frustrating with ease, decaying job of unbearavle hellish-eske torment. And took one week off from my mother as well, who still sentimentally rejects me because I am in love with another man named Javi. So I chose Javi over her, over her devious bullshit that suffice to say, i'm pretty done with.

See, according to, more than 60% of parents here in Puerto Rico seem to accept gay lifestyles among their offspring. Ovbiously my mother didn't fit the profile, 'cause she still condemns me for my decisions. And I condemn her for being an intolerable bigot. Thus, we live happily ever after.

Javi and I have been slacking off this past week. And I loved it. Nothing like living like a King. Kudos to us.

Now I say goodbye until next week-end, since I still have no internet, which is indeed very good (for now). Shit man, and IF I don't post anything at all, I'd still be pleased to be me without fencing off.


PS> Once I get a new cam i'll be posting lots of shit again.

X-Posted on LJ, MSN and Blogger.


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